Frequently Asked Questions

Do you deliver internationally?

  • We currently ship to the USA. Please ensure that you enter your FULL address in English including zip codes, cities, states to avoid delays.
  • Unfortunately, we have had to pause shipping to the EU due to the new VAT/Customs charges, we don't want our customers to be hit with a heavy bill. Please bear with us as we find ways to navigate the new system.
  • Your order tracking number will be emailed to you, where you can track when your package left the UK and arrived in your destination.
  • Your order will require a signature, so be aware of your local post offices/depos in case you aren’t in at the time of delivery.

How much is shipping?

  • Shipping costs will be calculated at checkout & are stated below, we use the Royal Mail postage service and you can track your order via the tracking code on your shipping confirmation email.
  • UK orders:
FREE – Over £45 Tracked 48 (2-4 days)
£5.45 – Royal Mail Tracked 24 (1-3 days)
£4.35 – Royal Mail Tracked 48 (2-4 days)
  • USA orders: International tracked & signed (10-15 days) £10

When will my order arrive?

  • All orders are processed within 1-2 days (excluding weekends and holidays) after receiving your order confirmation email. You will receive another notification when your order has shipped.
  • UK orders will arrive within 2-5 working days from your order date.
  • International orders will typically arrive within 10-15 working days from your order date.
  • Please bear in mind that we are a small business. We aim to get your orders out in a timely manner, and want to send you your SPYES as bad as you want to receive them!
  • We do not take responsibility for delays due to postal service problems that are outside of our control.

I think my mail is lost - I haven't received my delivery yet?